What are the Raichu moves?
Raichu is the one of the most powerful electric type pokemon of generation one. It can attack various electric types. It is only electric type pokemon but has a variety of attacks such as Quick attack, thunder shock, tail whip, thunderbolt, shock wave, thunder punch. Magnet bomb, thunder wave, headbutt, substitute, shine bomb, signal beam, iron tail, zap cannon, brick breaker, focus blast, discharge, flash, vol tackle, etc.
Read More :- https://larvesta.com/raichu/
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What are the moves of Deino in battle?
Deino in dual type pokemon such as dark and dragon type pokemon, which gives the special ability of levitate and hustle. It can perform dark and dragon type attacks easily. Deino moves are different in nature such as focus energy, Outrage, astonish, belch, double hit, head smash, assurance, dark pulse, tackle, dragon breath, Dragon pulse, body slam, hyper voice, nasty plat, earth power, fire power, fire fang, ice fang, screech, and many more.
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